Good morning, everyone, and how are you today? We are just fine, thank you, and busy as ever. We are, in fact, on the road as we plan to huddle with the Stat folks about the upcoming launch of the Stat site, which is where we will be housed. This calls for a celebratory cup of stimulation and, as always, we invite you to join us. And now, we present your daily menu of tidbits. Hope your day goes well and, of course, keep in touch…
A new deadline of Nov. 16 was set for the FDA and Pacira Pharmaceuticals to try to resolve a closely watched legal battle over off-label marketing and free speech; A GlaxoSmithKline plant in China, which suffered an explosion last summer, had its Good Manufacturing Practice certificate revoked by the UK medicines regulator; and Sanofi’s new ceo Olivier Brandicourt is expected to show how he will get the drug maker back on track, after being hit by lagging diabetes sales and boardroom rows, when he presents his five-year strategic plan on Nov. 6.